Power 4 Puerto Rico Welcomes Biden Policy Plan for the Island


Power 4 Puerto Rico Welcomes Biden Policy Plan for the Island
Calls for more action on PROMESA and the Jones Act

WASHINGTON, DC – The Power 4 Puerto Rico coalition, composed of diaspora and allied groups advocating for Puerto Rico and displaced families, today commended Vice President Biden and his presidential campaign for outlining a detailed policy plan addressing many of the Island’s most pressing needs. 

For the past year and a half, our coalition and 60 partners waged a historic and first-ever      #ShowUsYourPRPolicy campaign pressuring presidential candidates to release policy blueprints  that concretely address the thicket of barriers Washington has put in the way of Puerto Rico. Through an open letter to candidates of both parties, Power 4 Puerto Rico and national and local organizations demanded specific policy proposals to address the concerns of the people of Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans from across the country traveled to Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, and other states to talk to the candidates, their campaigns and supporters about the need for Puerto Rico to be a top priority for the next President. 

In general, the Biden policy plan for Puerto Rico is in line with Power 4 Puerto Rico’s priorities. We especially want to thank Vice President Biden for holding firm on his position related to the divisive colonial status of Puerto Rico and were pleasantly surprised that he went farther than his original statement to say that he not only supports including all status options but that he will ensure any self-determination process is binding on the federal government. After 5 non-binding referendums, this is a welcomed change. 

We must note, in light of Biden’s speech last night, that the principle of self-determination requires that a people oppressed by U.S. colonialism determine for themselves their own destiny. By expressing a personal preference on status, the Vice President is putting his thumb on the scales for a particular option, which is contrary to the position laid out in his campaign blueprint. Puerto Ricans are tired of politicians trying to steer their situation and future. Indeed, this approach since 1898 has helped to create the monumental and grave challenges the Island faces today. We hope that if elected, the Vice President will adhere to his policy proposal of including all options in a fair and binding process.

Regarding the debt and the unelected fiscal control board, aka La Junta, imposed on Puerto Rico by the PROMESA federal law, we are disappointed that the Vice President fell short of calling for a repeal of the law, as many Puerto Ricans have demanded. He did pledge to audit the debt towards the transparency that is needed and invalidation of illegal debt, reverse crippling austerity policies, and protect pensions and essential services such as the University of Puerto Rico. The plan also includes commitments to provide equitable funding for Puerto Rico under federal health care, nutrition, and disability benefits. Biden also promised to accelerate federal reconstruction funding and reverse Puerto Rico specific restrictions on disaster aid imposed by the Trump Administration. Biden’s pledge for transparency in the use of federal disaster funding is also a positive step. His promise to invest in clean energy and other critical infrastructure will help rebuild the Island back better than before Hurricanes Irma and Maria. 

The issue of the Jones Act and the unfair burden it places on Puerto Rico’s consumers should have been included in this plan and it wasn’t. We look forward to continuing to work with Members of Congress and the incoming administration to impress upon them the need to lift the $1.5 billion “tax” this outdated law imposes on the Island. 

After more than a decade in an ongoing economic depression, government bankruptcy, two category 4 and 5 hurricanes, a series of devastating earthquakes, and now a world-wide pandemic, Puerto Rico desperately needs the freedom to choose its destiny and the tools to succeed. We sincerely believe that many of the proposals outlined by Vice President Biden will help Puerto Rico get closer to that goal.
