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Future of Puerto Rico

About Power 4 Puerto Rico
#Power4PuertoRico is a national coalition of the Puerto Rican Diaspora and allies working full-time and year-round for federal policies and legislation that will support Puerto Rico’s just recovery, economic growth and self-sufficiency.
Power 4 Puerto Rico advocates for the self-determination of Puerto Rico through a fair, inclusive, transparent and legally-binding process. Get the basics of self-determination here.
Every dollar counts! We keep Puerto Rican issues visible year round. Help us sustain our advocacy!
The State of the US Colonies. Watch this panel with voices from all five territories!
#ShowUsYourPRPolicy campaign
Our signature #ShowUsYourPRPolicy campaign demanded a Puerto Rico policy platform from the 2020 presidential candidates and reported back on what they put on the table. During that cycle, we mobilized our community to Iowa for a first-ever organized Puerto Rican effort to educate voters about issues affecting the Island.
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Puerto Rico is still recovering from devastating firsts —including the worst natural disaster and largest bankruptcy proceeding in U.S. history— a depressed economy, and imminent fiscal cliffs in public health, schooling and higher education, public pensions, and nutritional assistance. Many of these challenges are the result of artificial, arbitrary, and often discriminatory decisions made by the federal government in how it treats Puerto Rico.
Image: Puerto Rico experienced massive flooding and the longest blackout in U.S. history.